Happy New Year!

Welcome 2013! Happy New Year to you All. I hope you all had a wonderful festive season and for those of you who had a break are fully fit and refreshed and ready to tackle all that this year throws at us. The end of 2012 was very busy, shooting in the studio right up until Christmas Eve so we were pleased to finish up and head off for Christmas. Christmas Day was kicked off with the gathering of the villagers in the Barley Mow for festive drinks then back home for a turkey dinner with all the trimmings, Christmas pud with brandy cream, perfect! We were then struck with a case of Man Flu in the house - yes, Jason got the flu. He went to bed Christmas night and re-emerged New Years Day, poor soul. Having a bit of time in between nursing duties I had some time to reflect on 2012. We have had celebrations on a national scale with the Diamond Jubilee , seen some devastating weather, watched Felix Baumgartner jump from the edge of space and felt proud ...