
Showing posts from 2013

Spring Wedding at Farnham Castle

April Showers Louise and Edward's Wedding Louise and Ed in the warm sun at Farnham Castle I had a lovely April wedding for a super couple, Louise and Edward, that I thought I would tell you about. There are hundreds of wedding superstitions and Louise and her family did a grand job of covering most of them, some really lovely touches. Louise was a very lucky Bride with a whole room at her parents home decked out as a bridal room! Meanwhile Ed, his Best Man and one of the ushers were getting ready just around the corner at their home ā€“ and very dapper they looked too. There was a bit of last minute practise on the Best Manā€™s speech before heading off in the car to Upton Grey for a lunch, at the pub of course!   Last minute practise for the speeches. A nervous wait for the arrival of the bride - but a wait well worth it, Louise looked stunning.     One superstition nobody had control over was rain on your we...

April Surrey Life Magazine Feature

Jones & Co Photography Featured in Surrey Life Magazine. 'Great Gatsby Inspired Wedding Style' - Front Cover We are really excited to see that we have been featured in this month's (April 2013) Surrey Life Magazine . The images that have been used are from a vintage shoot that we did recently at Loseley Park near Guildford - using all local people and places and it just goes to show that wealth of talented people, suppliers and fabulous locations we have on our doorstep. One of the images has been used on the front cover and others have been used in the Style Guide, with most of them being used full page. We have had a fabulous response to the article already so a big thank you to all those involved with the shoot and to Matthew Williams , editor at Surrey Life for being so enthusiastic about out imagery! I will post a full write up with lots more details about the shoot later along with a few more images and let you know all about the different people I worked w...

Farnham Maltings Wedding Fair

Very Successful Farnham Wedding Fair. Wow - what a busy day I had on 17th February at the brilliant Wedding Fair organised by Prestige Wedding Fairs at the Farnham Maltings . It is such a great place to exhibit with it's different rooms, cafe and art and craft works displayed around the building. Although it was cold and misty when the exhibitors arrived by the time the fair opened the sun was shining and that seemed to bring you out in your hundreds! I spoke to so many people and I always love hearing about your wedding plans - in fact I didn't stop talking all day, something that Jason wasn't surprised at! So thank you all so much for stopping by and taking the time to look at my work. I had some really lovely compliments about the albums and large prints on show and loads of comments about the stills and motion production that was running throughout the day. I had some super 'neighbours' on the day - the gorgeous gowns and the lovely ladies, Claire a...

Happy New Year!

Welcome 2013!   Happy New Year to you All. I hope you all had a wonderful festive season and for those of you who had a break are fully fit and refreshed and ready to tackle all that this year throws at us. The end of 2012 was very busy, shooting in the studio right up until Christmas Eve so we were pleased to finish up and head off for Christmas. Christmas Day was kicked off with the gathering of the villagers in the Barley Mow for festive drinks then back home for a turkey dinner with all the trimmings, Christmas pud with brandy cream, perfect! We were then struck with a case of Man Flu in the house - yes, Jason got the flu. He went to bed Christmas night and re-emerged New Years Day, poor soul. Having a bit of time in between nursing duties I had some time to reflect on 2012. We have had celebrations on a national scale with the Diamond Jubilee , seen some devastating weather, watched Felix Baumgartner jump from the edge of space and felt proud ...