Farnham Maltings Wedding Fair

Very Successful Farnham Wedding Fair.

Wow - what a busy day I had on 17th February at the brilliant Wedding Fair organised by Prestige Wedding Fairs at the Farnham Maltings. It is such a great place to exhibit with it's different rooms, cafe and art and craft works displayed around the building.

Although it was cold and misty when the exhibitors arrived by the time the fair opened the sun was shining and that seemed to bring you out in your hundreds! I spoke to so many people and I always love hearing about your wedding plans - in fact I didn't stop talking all day, something that Jason wasn't surprised at! So thank you all so much for stopping by and taking the time to look at my work. I had some really lovely compliments about the albums and large prints on show and loads of comments about the stills and motion production that was running throughout the day.

I had some super 'neighbours' on the day - the gorgeous gowns and the lovely ladies, Claire and Freda, from the Bridal Centre in Farnborough, the very new Stephen Bishop Suiting from Woking, making all the chaps look devilishly handsome and Chris from Harlequin Video with his beautiful videos.

Thank you to Louise and her partner Edward that booked their photography with us on the day and also to those that have been in touch since - I am looking forward to the meetings we have planned.

Quite a few of you spent a few minutes filling out our survey which was much appreciated, all the surveys went into a draw for a bottle of bubbly and I will soon reveal the lucky winner!

I know you were all bombarded with information on the day so please get in touch if you have any others questions I didn't answer on the day - an don't forget to use your vouchers for 25% off your wedding photography packages that you picked up on the day!

Have a good week all.



  1. Good to know about your wedding fair and hope this information will be useful for all. Last month, I had arranged a bridal show at one of graceful corporate event venues San Francisco. Glad to get great response from public. Will plan such an event soon when get time?


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