What Does 2014 Hold For Us?


New Year.

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year. A little late I know but however you celebrated I hope it was happy and peaceful. I have to say that I'm glad 2013 came to an end, for me personally it was an awful year, work-wise it was superb.

Just before Christmas I lost one of my best friends. A person who has always been there for me, supported me, let me be the person I am, shown me unconditional love. A person with who I have shared the very best of times, we laughed - a lot, shared our sad times, every memory involves this person. So who is this remarkable person? My Mum. At 68 she wasn't old and we still had lots to do, places to visit, gossiping, lunches, flowers to plant, handbags to buy and so forth.

It's made me think about the cliché - life is precious. Just worked out that whilst it may be an overused phrase it's very true. If you aspire to something and it is within your reach, do it. So 2014 is all about getting on with it, pushing ahead and giving it a go.

So just like the five Jordan Almonds given as favours at weddings, I wish every one of you health, wealth, happiness, long life and fertility. They symbolise the strength of the new union and to show that the couple will share everything and, as is the number 5, will not be divided. 

Good luck.



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